I have judged many architectural competitions and prizes in my professional practice in Iran and some abroad. Undoubtedly the pinnacle of these juries was being a member of the Master Jury of the Aga Khan Award in Architecture, for which I am very indebted to my Persian architectural peers working with this prestigious organization.
The picture at the top gathered on that occasion: Anish Kapour, Faryar Javaherian and Alice Rawthorn (in the front row) with Jean Nouvel, Yu Konjian, Basem Shilabi, Souleymane Bachir Digne, Salah M. Hassan and Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj (in the back row).
Here are some other highlights:
2018 – New Museum of Astane Ghods Razavi Competition
This was the last Jury I have participated in. The Astane Ghods Razavi is the religious Organization which manages the Domain of Imam Reza, akin to the Vatican for Christians. Other jurors were Pirouz Hanachi, now mayor of Tehran and other high dignitaries.
2013-2018 – Memari & Satkhteman Annual Prize
Many times jury member for this prize, jury member for many other national competitions such as the Twin Towers for Telecommunications, Astaneh Ghods Razavi Museum, and other important competitions, too many to report all…
2010-2015 – Mirmiran Prize
This is an annual competition for students and young architects with a special theme each year. My co-jurors were Abbas Kiarostami, Ali Akbar Saremi, Darab Diba…
2013 – Shams Tabrizi Mausoleum and Cultural Complex in Khoyn
1200 architects participated in this open international competition. My fellow jurors were Abbas Kiarostami, Nader Ardalan, Mohammad Beheshti, Darab Diba…

2010 – Master Jury Agha Khan Architecture Award
This is indeed a great honor for me to have served as Jury member along with such luminaries as Jean Nouvel, Anish Kapour, Kongjian Yu…
It was also the most thoroughly and in-depth judgement process that I have participated in and it no doubt changed my view on what is most important in architecture, namely its social benefits.
© Kristian Skeie/AKTC With Jean Nouvel
2008 – Annual Memar Prize
This is the most prestigious national architectural Prize given in Iran. In that year my fellow Jury members were Farrokh Derakhshani, Director of Aga Khan Architecture Award Program, Iraj Kalantari, Ali Kermanian…
2006 – The Great Adorian Competition
This was a National competition for the design of a Zoroastrian cultural complex in Tehran. More than 100 architects participated in the competition. Other fellow Jury members were Ali Akbar Saremi and Manuchehr Iranpour who lives in Canada and had come to Iran expressly to judge this competition.